Thursday 7 April 2016

One More Night

One More Night

I've been meaning to see One More Night for a couple of years, and either something else got in the way, or I only found out they were on after the event. So when Shirley came home from work on Tuesday evening and asked me if I would like to go and see them as they were playing at one of my favourite pubs, The Merchant's Inn, Rugby, that evening, and that she would buy me a beer, what else could I say?

The band had just come back from a tour around Whitby, playing three nights out of four, and while they confessed to being slightly sore, they were very well rehearsed and the standard of performance was superb.

There are bands that rely on volume to hide a multitude of sins, but One More Night had got their levels just right. From time to time, Andy's guitar faded gently in to the background to allow the full sound of Simon and Zoe's vocals and harmonies, and the lovely sound of the other Simon's violin, but when it counted, it rang through. In fact, there is a subtlety to their performance, and an obvious pleasure in playing together.

The band's repertoire spans the decades, with some classics and a few quirky surprises, and it was impossible not to join in with some of the well known standards. The evening flew by and it hardly seemed like they'd been playing five minutes before it was the last song of the night. Of course there was an encore, and if I'd had my way there would have been a few more, but it was a school night after all, and some people had work to go to next morning.

This is a band that delights, and it certainly won't be two years before I go to see them play again.

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